• Stained Glass Courses

    Stained Glass Courses 

    Tutor: Ruth Mitchell

    Have you ever wanted to learn how to make stained glass?  Sign up for a day course that could start you on the road to bigger and more elaborate projects.

    During this day long course you will learn how to cut glass, foil and solder with a view to taking home a small glass window hanging.

    No previous knowledge is required.

    2021 dates:  As we are likely to have lockdown restrictions lifted by the summer I shall be arranging a few courses in or around Bungay from July onwards. These dates will be confirmed and uploaded shortly.

    Cost for a day long course: £85 which includes all materials and equipment (max 4 students to any group)

    Private tuition can also be arranged or if you have a specific project in mind just contact me through the e-mail link on the contact page. Alternatively you may prefer to create a panel using the traditional lead came construction method, if so just drop me a note and we can discuss your requirements.

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